Tuesday 27 November 2012

You = Che or Shame?

There is a saying that; “People should not Fear the Government, but the Government should fear the People" which roots came from -"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fear the people, there is liberty"- Thomas Jefferson. This is what came to mind when I heard about Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh's stance against the Government on their plans in the Point Fortin Highway Extension. Now I may not agree with the whole idea of the hunger strike that he has embarked upon because there have been revolutionist before who have made great strides and changes though non violent protest. Then on the other hand I totally understand why he would choose to go on a hunger strike on his own and this is due to our own fault, Yes! Our fault. Now you may not agree with me right now but hear me out. When Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela rose against the government or the powers that may be. They did not do this on their own; they had the power of numbers. So when they spoke they were supported and their words were echoed throughout the nation and as my quote by Thomas Jefferson would support you would see why I say this. The next thing you may be wondering, so how is it our fault that he is on a Hunger Strike? well my friend, look around our fine little country of Trinidad and Tobago of band wagonist and follow fashion men who only follow parties and the next "bess lime" or a football club a thousand miles away but can’t support their own, or like a page on Facebook that can only make them laugh but not think or act on their own, or only care about something when it reaches in their homes when it is too late. So why again would Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh’s embark on a Hunger Strike. I'm sure like me he knows that this country has lost its heroes and revolutionaries and unless you take a gun and put it to someone's head you won’t be heard so he has volunteered his life to show how we are wasting ours as well as the future generations to come. Yes we see on the news politicians who embrace and reject his struggle but what about you, what do you want to leave behind, what legacy you want your friends and kids to talk about when you are gone... Think about it real hard , think how all that you do is look out for yourself not realizing that when you look out for others and help another with their struggles you in fact help yourself when the circle of Karma revolves. Think about your kids and your children's children and what exactly you are leaving behind when you are no longer around. If we cant see that what Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh represents then we have lost even before we have fought. More on Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh  and Video.

Thursday 22 November 2012


Recently I became very active in a Social Issue or in what I believe is a Social Issue  , right here in my beloved Country Trinidad and Tobago which is; to bring about a better understanding of the conservation needs of the turtles and the education  of people about the Leatherback sea turtles which grace our shores between the months of March to August each year. I felt that as a country when asked what we know about these magnificent creatures we knew nothing but responses of "it does taste good!." This truly bothered me as I also soon found out that my little island in the sun was graced by 20% of the worlds Leatherback sea turtles, yet 90% of persons when asked if they ever saw a Leatherback sea turtle in person the answer was a blatant mirthless 'No.'
Now that didn't bother me as much as this: as it dawned on me that  of the 10% of those who had seen these beautiful creatures in person , almost half of them had no understanding of how these creatures should be handled , observed and protected or even that they were endangered!
So I Embarked on a campaign to bring awareness in what ever humble way yet popular way I could : I made a Facebook Page called 'Leatherback Warriors' which sought to 'bring awareness to the existing conditions with regards to the treatment of Leatherback Turtles and what we can do to safeguard their future existence'. My aim was and still is; to enlighten the students of a college which I attend as I felt that if I can bring about awareness here in whatever way I can, it would branch out into other areas just as I, upon reading literature on these turtles was truly moved to make a difference. Now I am not the first to do this in my country nor will I ever take credit for what work is published here as I am acting as a mere conduit to bring just what the page intends to do. So to help me do this I reached out to other organizations (will call no names) both recognized and probably upcoming whom I believe also share the same ideals as I do in terms of this Issue of Educating people of this tiny island and Conserving these Amazing animals.
The Problems I encountered are beyond me as I am still finding it hard to believe that a mere request of a student, who,  seeing the need in his school to showcase these Turtles so that a better appreciation will grow and spread was ignored is beyond me and I refuse to believe that something as equally beneficial to all parties where one is getting an opportunity to bring awareness and the other in having the opportunity to become aware is brushed over and ignored.....  it is indeed a sad day for us all , Turtles included.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Sandy's Saint

Remember when New Orleans was hit severely by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 , Of course you remember it , it was every where on the news.What we may not remember was how the Former President (I don't think I need to call his name) handled the situation left in the wake of Katrina . Now (drum roll please) what I want to bring to my loyal Blog readers attention is the vast difference between the former president and the present President and to show how a true leader  handles a situation like this , and if I have to say that there ever was pure evidence of a God here is a perfect example and the reason why I am even saying all of this is because , if there ever was any doubt in anyone's minds of who they were going to vote for or was wondering who was going to win this election then Hurricane Sandy's divine intervention and the way President Obama Handled this crisis may have just won him his next term. I may sound a bit presumptuous and you may say that the president acted like this because he and his department knew that if they didn't show their tenacity with this matter they might as well have kissed their careers good bye, but the truth is we will never know what were their genuine motives are but what I can tell you is that 5 years ago when Katrina hit New Orleans the former president was also facing elections yet he didn't take the matter into his hands as President Obama did. So my fellow Bloggers and my loyal Blog readers you be the judge and weigh the pros and cons for yourself and if I were an American I would exercise my right to vote and get my President back in office serving another term. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Left vs Right vs Just

Ding Ding ! Round 2 of the Presidential debate and President Obama came out of his Left wing corner swinging and ready to knock his opponent out the ring. Much can be said about the first debate and much has been said about both sides, both good and bad and in between, but as if by some miracle Obama was the talk of the town in this final debate as he held his cool and level headedness unlike his opponent Mitt Romney who seem to be grasping at straws almost in a fleeting attempt to fool and belittle the public with his false and senseless insinuations about the President (who mind you was not allowing anything to get by him unlike the first debate) but the public could not be fooled neither and I must say and give credit to the host and journalist Candy Crowley as she held the floor and order, as she corrected mitt Romney much to my surprise. This is what peeked my interest as she was not just a host but she had her facts straight and wasn't allowing anyone to pull the wool over anyone's eyes and this is the reason behind today's blog, since its not about seeing who is the better debater(on the day) but she made it about facts and I'm giving credit to a woman who in my eyes is a leader in her field and she deserves a little more recognition than what she is being given.Now I don't know if anyone noticed but in these presidential debates from years ago there have not been much banter nor much correction from the host who by the way were men, so what is it really are they doing? As journalist they have a duty to the public and should not allow things to be said wrong and I am sure in the first and final debate there we a lot of things said by both parties that may have been half lies or lies and nothing was said to correct the debaters. Unlike Candy Crowley who corrected the Governor with such politeness and class that a school teacher or a mother would do was truly rewarding to see. And if I had a wish I would wish for more host and journalist to be brave and stand up for what is right and true, (not saying there aren't , I'm sure there are many)  and not allow anyone regardless of authority, position or power to intimidate them while on their watch.CNN defends Candy Crowley for correcting Governor in Debate

Sunday 14 October 2012

The IgNoble Award

The EU has won the Nobel Peace Price last Friday .......and in other news Greece has won the
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences  award!.... really world , really!
No matter the spin that they may have put out on why they have made the decision to award a nation/institute that has been in civil , political, economical turmoil since WWII the fact is that this is a contrite spit in the face of all who have received and who regard the noble peace price as something where peace is achieved or great accomplishments have been made towards accomplishing peace. Next we will be hearing that Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro were given Saint hood! 
So the question is who is in charge of making these decisions?, Who is in charge of giving out these awards to people or countries that clearly don't deserve them? Whoever did has no clue that doing such things vicariously not only shows their inability to make proper choices but they have also depreciated the value of such a prize! This to me seem to be some sort of Public Relations stunt , this to me seems to be the only reasoning behind such a feat. But truth be told , after President Obama received this Noble Prize it somehow isn't much of a surprise. So who knows who is going to be the next recipient maybe it might be North Korea, Iran , Israel or even Joseph Kony himself! I, Myself have dreams of receiving this Nobel peace prize one day and maybe now since these new levels of recognizing eligible recipients seem to be in my grasp , I  might just be able to have it on my CV!.
To be realistic about this award though ,and its just my opinion , I rather the Noble peace prize be awarded only to individuals rather than institutions ,  The same way its said that if one person, does one good deed for the day the world will be a better place to live in , I believe that the Noble peace prize would be the incentive for true human beings to strive for peace and excellence in their community and then the world by large. . Reasons behind the Nobel Award

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Recently I sat down in front of my television to watch the Presidential Debate between President Obama and humble opponent Mitt Romney. As it proceeded I realized that our President was a bit tired or unenthusiastic in the 'talk off' compared to his opponent Mitt Romney who seem to be full of life and ready as a child would be when boarding a roller coaster or given a new toy or sweet. Then it soon dawned on me that this was more of a Rat Race than of anything substantial .It seems to be more of who can talk better than the other or take criticism better than the other, when in truth they should of been looking at each others actions in the past and what they have done for the benefit of their country and their people.
I remember when actions spoke louder than words and not the other way around , this seem to me to be a mockery of the President of the day and whoever is running against him. If it were up to me I would take the same time, money and resources invested in this mockery of a debate to inspect how steadfastly the President has stuck to his mandate or manifesto and not waste time yapping at each other on what they would do if elected or re-elected but give real proof of what they have done in their term and see whether they have walked the walk instead of talk the talk.The First Presidential Debate 2012

Monday 1 October 2012

Lackadaisical Culture of Trinidad

I have been a proud Trinidadian from birth but recently i have become disgusted with the way we sit back and wait for someone to do for us , its a sort of handout or welfare mentality where if we have nothing to gain by doing a good deed we wont do it until its too late because when we should of stood up and  voiced our concerns against something that affects us all we didn't and we cant now because the problem has now manifested its way into our back yards and is now knocking on our doors. Take crime for example it has ravished and continues to ravish our country because only when crime directly affects us its then we shout out to the heavens "why me?!" and throw our arms up in the air in dismay as we can not believe that this has happened to us and our families or friends. We don't seem to understand that there is strength in numbers nor do we seem to have any foresight when it comes to nipping small problems in the bud. Its as if we are a people who enjoy procrastinating and waiting for the powers that may be to take care of or take advantage of our absenteeism. Take another example, recently I became a member of an executive board in a NGO whose purpose is to take care of their members and  is trying to get support from its very members or persons who may be or are affected by different generic abnormalities. These members only responsibility is to attend a meeting ever so often but for some reason no more than a handful are willing to give up their time for their own long term benefit. But they are not the ones to be blamed , the blame lies with the mentality that the country has fostered in their people, and it is only when this Lackadaisical culture that has festered in every Trinidadian is purged then will the country see true progress. as one friend said , they can build as many sky scrapers that they want and try to bring the country to 1st world status but as long as the people attitude and mentality is still on the bottom floor 1st world status would be only a dream. Cultural Behaviors in Trinidad
On another note we lack simple things like disciple and respect for our elders as the video above shows of a Governmental Minister's sons who finds it in himself to "correct" an elderly man for telling him to switch off his vehicle ,who knows what the elderly man said to him but saying whatever he did does not warrant this young man to administer a beating with a machete. This is just one of the many examples why our mentality has to change in order for true progress to take place. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Cost of Freedom

We live in a world where the freedom of information is available to all and what that the line which separates the freedom of information and our private lives gets blurred, we are no longer just private citizens who live in the digital age but citizens whose private information is digitalised along with everything that is termed information. This is where the cost of freedom gets a bit higher than it used to be as for one known popular search engine called Google this freedom is exploited and even divulged to institutions, businesses and co-operations who use the information that they get from Google when  you 'browse' or search for anything using their search engine. Lets say that something of national security interest you and you type in the search engine "terrorist bombs" , this new search query is now kept and listed in your search history that Google keeps and who knows it may even get you in the TSA watch list and worst case scenario cause some damage to your credentials of a law abiding citizen all because you typed in something that interest you out of mere curiosity
So what is really the cost of freedom? And where does the reach of freedom of information stop? as the CEO of Google Eric Schmidt said "if you have something you don't want anyone to know, then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place"so where is the freedom of privacy in that? what cost do we have to pay for privacy now that we live in the digital and information age? Maybe the 3rd Party Doctrine needs to be revisited and maybe then the cost of freedom will be balanced with the freedom of information.  

Self Expression

How hard is it now to express ourselves and be heard when we are surrounded by digital noise that seems to get our attention but not pay us back the same when at every turn we are bombarded by Adds, Spam, Junk mail, Blogs and all sorts of digital clutter betting for our time keeping us glued to our screens like duct taped prisoners in our own homes. Reason for this may be the very reason we all want to be heard , as companies like Google for example are making it easy for everyone to become "publishers". They are doing this by branching out into not just being a search engine company but a mobile device supporter with apps that make uploading anything from YouTube videos to post on Facebook and twitter and making it harder for whatever form of expression to be heard or seen with all the clutter circulating out there now with every tom dick and Jane uploading and posting any and everything to his or her whim and fancy. As one trusted site stated there is over 20 hours of video uploaded every minute on YouTube! As the main source of accessing the internet is shifting from the PC to the Mobile phone as Mobile phones according to one Google Representative; Mobile devices are now what is called extra sensory computing as they now have eyes, ears and skin and are increasingly augmenting our own senses. So what is going to happen to Self expression when everyone is Expressing themselves and no one is listening? What is the next step that one has to take to be heard in the Digital World that is..