Tuesday 18 September 2012

Self Expression

How hard is it now to express ourselves and be heard when we are surrounded by digital noise that seems to get our attention but not pay us back the same when at every turn we are bombarded by Adds, Spam, Junk mail, Blogs and all sorts of digital clutter betting for our time keeping us glued to our screens like duct taped prisoners in our own homes. Reason for this may be the very reason we all want to be heard , as companies like Google for example are making it easy for everyone to become "publishers". They are doing this by branching out into not just being a search engine company but a mobile device supporter with apps that make uploading anything from YouTube videos to post on Facebook and twitter and making it harder for whatever form of expression to be heard or seen with all the clutter circulating out there now with every tom dick and Jane uploading and posting any and everything to his or her whim and fancy. As one trusted site stated there is over 20 hours of video uploaded every minute on YouTube! As the main source of accessing the internet is shifting from the PC to the Mobile phone as Mobile phones according to one Google Representative; Mobile devices are now what is called extra sensory computing as they now have eyes, ears and skin and are increasingly augmenting our own senses. So what is going to happen to Self expression when everyone is Expressing themselves and no one is listening? What is the next step that one has to take to be heard in the Digital World that is..

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