Tuesday 23 October 2012

Left vs Right vs Just

Ding Ding ! Round 2 of the Presidential debate and President Obama came out of his Left wing corner swinging and ready to knock his opponent out the ring. Much can be said about the first debate and much has been said about both sides, both good and bad and in between, but as if by some miracle Obama was the talk of the town in this final debate as he held his cool and level headedness unlike his opponent Mitt Romney who seem to be grasping at straws almost in a fleeting attempt to fool and belittle the public with his false and senseless insinuations about the President (who mind you was not allowing anything to get by him unlike the first debate) but the public could not be fooled neither and I must say and give credit to the host and journalist Candy Crowley as she held the floor and order, as she corrected mitt Romney much to my surprise. This is what peeked my interest as she was not just a host but she had her facts straight and wasn't allowing anyone to pull the wool over anyone's eyes and this is the reason behind today's blog, since its not about seeing who is the better debater(on the day) but she made it about facts and I'm giving credit to a woman who in my eyes is a leader in her field and she deserves a little more recognition than what she is being given.Now I don't know if anyone noticed but in these presidential debates from years ago there have not been much banter nor much correction from the host who by the way were men, so what is it really are they doing? As journalist they have a duty to the public and should not allow things to be said wrong and I am sure in the first and final debate there we a lot of things said by both parties that may have been half lies or lies and nothing was said to correct the debaters. Unlike Candy Crowley who corrected the Governor with such politeness and class that a school teacher or a mother would do was truly rewarding to see. And if I had a wish I would wish for more host and journalist to be brave and stand up for what is right and true, (not saying there aren't , I'm sure there are many)  and not allow anyone regardless of authority, position or power to intimidate them while on their watch.CNN defends Candy Crowley for correcting Governor in Debate

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