Monday 1 October 2012

Lackadaisical Culture of Trinidad

I have been a proud Trinidadian from birth but recently i have become disgusted with the way we sit back and wait for someone to do for us , its a sort of handout or welfare mentality where if we have nothing to gain by doing a good deed we wont do it until its too late because when we should of stood up and  voiced our concerns against something that affects us all we didn't and we cant now because the problem has now manifested its way into our back yards and is now knocking on our doors. Take crime for example it has ravished and continues to ravish our country because only when crime directly affects us its then we shout out to the heavens "why me?!" and throw our arms up in the air in dismay as we can not believe that this has happened to us and our families or friends. We don't seem to understand that there is strength in numbers nor do we seem to have any foresight when it comes to nipping small problems in the bud. Its as if we are a people who enjoy procrastinating and waiting for the powers that may be to take care of or take advantage of our absenteeism. Take another example, recently I became a member of an executive board in a NGO whose purpose is to take care of their members and  is trying to get support from its very members or persons who may be or are affected by different generic abnormalities. These members only responsibility is to attend a meeting ever so often but for some reason no more than a handful are willing to give up their time for their own long term benefit. But they are not the ones to be blamed , the blame lies with the mentality that the country has fostered in their people, and it is only when this Lackadaisical culture that has festered in every Trinidadian is purged then will the country see true progress. as one friend said , they can build as many sky scrapers that they want and try to bring the country to 1st world status but as long as the people attitude and mentality is still on the bottom floor 1st world status would be only a dream. Cultural Behaviors in Trinidad
On another note we lack simple things like disciple and respect for our elders as the video above shows of a Governmental Minister's sons who finds it in himself to "correct" an elderly man for telling him to switch off his vehicle ,who knows what the elderly man said to him but saying whatever he did does not warrant this young man to administer a beating with a machete. This is just one of the many examples why our mentality has to change in order for true progress to take place. 

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