Sunday 14 October 2012

The IgNoble Award

The EU has won the Nobel Peace Price last Friday .......and in other news Greece has won the
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences  award!.... really world , really!
No matter the spin that they may have put out on why they have made the decision to award a nation/institute that has been in civil , political, economical turmoil since WWII the fact is that this is a contrite spit in the face of all who have received and who regard the noble peace price as something where peace is achieved or great accomplishments have been made towards accomplishing peace. Next we will be hearing that Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro were given Saint hood! 
So the question is who is in charge of making these decisions?, Who is in charge of giving out these awards to people or countries that clearly don't deserve them? Whoever did has no clue that doing such things vicariously not only shows their inability to make proper choices but they have also depreciated the value of such a prize! This to me seem to be some sort of Public Relations stunt , this to me seems to be the only reasoning behind such a feat. But truth be told , after President Obama received this Noble Prize it somehow isn't much of a surprise. So who knows who is going to be the next recipient maybe it might be North Korea, Iran , Israel or even Joseph Kony himself! I, Myself have dreams of receiving this Nobel peace prize one day and maybe now since these new levels of recognizing eligible recipients seem to be in my grasp , I  might just be able to have it on my CV!.
To be realistic about this award though ,and its just my opinion , I rather the Noble peace prize be awarded only to individuals rather than institutions ,  The same way its said that if one person, does one good deed for the day the world will be a better place to live in , I believe that the Noble peace prize would be the incentive for true human beings to strive for peace and excellence in their community and then the world by large. . Reasons behind the Nobel Award

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