Wednesday 23 April 2014

Slicker than an Oil Spill

Trinidad and Tobago, one of the richest and sadly one of the most corrupt Caribbean islands has come across its most disastrous man made event in its industrial history. It will also go down as one of the most conspiring and covered up tactical management "save yourself" manoeuvres that the citizens of Trinidad will never know about. (bar none of what the Government of the day is already doing)
Here we have a company that has been purging itself of permanent and committed workers and hiring cheap and less than standard contract workers to run the business of an industry that should never drop below par,just to cut cost and increase their profits. Cutting ends and tying knots where none should be allowed , all the while, standards dropping below par until one fateful day the knots and bow broke and all of the worlds worst fears came pouring out.
Now what was amazing about all of this , is that while we 'Trinis' were going about our business , Petrotrin was  busy trying to cover up the fact that over 7000 barrels of Oil were being spilled into the Gulf of Paria.(Proof- taken before the 17th December 2013) This goes to show how the leaders and managers in this beloved country of ours,taken before the 17th December view the citizens of this nation as mere plebeians..jokes, scum that can be hoodwinked and bamboozled all because the ones who suffer are the ordinary man, the man that has no true voice against the powers that be.
One may think that a company that is the life blood of a country whose income is derived from our natural resources, should be managed and cared for by persons and individuals who don't put themselves before others, who don't put profit before people and seek their own selfish again... but then again, this is Trinidad and this is God's country and what didn't miss you didn't pass you, right?? 
While we relay on media and journalist to expose these injustices and mismanagement of our resources which have been going on for far too long. We must be able to be proactive for ourselves and against tyranny and injustice not only when it falls in our own backyard but when it affects our neighbours and possibly our children in the future.
Our vision has been obscured by too much smoke and mirrors and its time we stand for something or fall for nothing. How long are we to sit idly by and let these crooks take and do as they please?
Its time to take a stand and that time is upon us. 

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